
The company currently employs 12 persons. The whole team shares the human values dear to Quentin Blumenroeder and the projects of the workshop.

L'équipe de la Manufacture Quentin Blumenroeder
L'équipe de la Manufacture Quentin Blumenroeder © Jean-Paul Lerch

Our employees

Quentin Blumenroeder
Quentin Blumenroeder

Quentin Blumenroeder

Quentin Blumenroeder, company owner and organbuilder, leads his team to success with humility and unfailing good humour.

Bruno Weigel
Bruno Weigel

Bruno Weigel

With his friendly, soothing personality, he brings the team together as workshop coordinator and organbuilder.

Jean-Marc Walter
Jean-Marc Walter

Jean-Marc Walter

The eldest member of the team, Jean-Marc is an organbuilder specialising in bellows and organ tuning. He is responsible for much of the organ maintenance works.

Pierrick Troesch
Pierrick Troesch

Pierrick Troesch

Pierrick is a warm-hearted person, with many strings to his bow, including cabinet-making, woodturning and organbuilding.

Théo Richert
Théo Richert

Théo Richert

Although very young, our cabinet-maker and organbuilding apprentice has a firm grasp of the craft.

Thibaut Metz
Thibaut Metz

Thibaut Metz

With his level-headedness and kindness, he has become an important member of the team as an apprentice organbuilder.

Etienne Eppinger
Etienne Eppinger

Etienne Eppinger

A recent addition to the team Étienne's composure has enabled him to integrate into the team very quickly. He's also a « master » of woodenpipes building.

Gaëlle Hirsch
Gaëlle Hirsch

Gaëlle Hirsch

Always welcoming and incredibly kind, our executive secretary Gaëlle knows how to find the right words to put everyone at ease. Gaëlle is always ready to help on the phone or by e-mail.

Justine Reymann
Justine Reymann

Justine Reymann

With her kindness and persuasiveness, Justine, our executive assistant, achieves what others don't at the Manufacture.

Marylène Gensbittel

Joining the team in September 2023, Marylène is training as an apprentice organ builder.

Clément Meisse

After an introductory course in our workshops, Clément is now part of the team as a cabinetmaker apprentice.

Aurélien Ritter

Aurélien has just joined the team and is starting his apprenticeship as an organ builder.

Our friends

Jean-Marie Tricoteaux
Jean-Marie Tricoteaux

Jean-Marie Tricoteau

Harmonist & organ builder

Marc Frohn
Marc Frohn

Marc Frohn

Marc Frohn is a highly talented woodcarver, who is also Meilleur Ouvrier de France. He regularly takes part in the creation of several organ case decorations.

Marco Vénégoni

Marco provides all the organ pipes.

Jean-Paul Lerch
Jean-Paul Lerch

Jean-Paul Lerch

who, out of his generosity and passion, produces many photo reports of our projects and makes the results of his excellent work available to us.

Quentin Blumenroeder

Quentin Blumenroeder received his first training in instrument making during three years spent in a workshop of restoration and construction of mechanical musical instruments Atelier Robert Hopp (pianolas, limonaires, barrel organs). This experience allowed him to become familiar with pneumatic traction systems.

He then spent seven years in Rémy Mahler’s workshop, during which time he took part in the construction of many new organs, as well as in rehabilitations and and restorations.

During this period he obtained his qualification (C.A.P.) as an organ builder. He later won the SEMA Grand Prix Régional for craftsmanship.

Quentin Blumenroeder completed his training with a year spent with Bernard Aubertin, organbuilder in Courtefontaine (Jura).

In addition, regular visits to the workshops of Emile Jobin, harpsichord maker in Paris, allowed him to acquire the mastery of the ancient techniques (gluing and finishing) that are so important to him. He was elevated to the rank of Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et Lettres in 2016.

Quentin Blumenroeder
Quentin Blumenroeder