Saint-Louis - Strasbourg - France

Restoration of the Charles and Edgard Wetzel 1895 organ.

This instrument is a major example of the art of Alsatian organ building at the end of the 19th century.
Even if the Parisian influence is obvious, it is nonetheless the greatest representative of the instruments made at that time in Strasbourg.

The Wetzels undoubtedly wanted to make a mark by creating this masterpiece, which has come down to us in a reasonable state of integrity, thus enabling an truly restoration.

The restoration has returned the instrument to its original state, making it one of the gems of Strasbourg's organ heritage of the period.

We approached the restoration with enthusiasm, as this enormous project taught us a great deal about the art of these builders, and more particularly about the Alsatian organbuilding of the late 19th century. We can only be impressed by the quality of the mechanical and the musical behaviour of this Parisian symphony organ with its German accent.

We would like to thank the Saint-Louis parish, the City of Strasbourg and the Ministry of Culture (DRAC) for their commitment to bringing this heritage back to life.

24 jeux, 2 claviers, pédale

Grand Orgue 56 notes (C – g’’’)     Récit expressif 56 notes (C – g’’’)    Pédale 30 notes (C – f’)
Bourdon 16’  Bourdon 8’Contrebasse 16’
Montre 8’  Flûte 8’Soubasse 16’
Bourdon 8’  Viole de Gambe 8'Octave basse 8'
Flûte majeure 8’  Voix céleste 8’Violoncelle 8'
Salicional 8’Unda Maris 8'Bombarde 16'
Gambe 8'Flûte 4'Trompette 8'
Prestant 4’Cor de nuit 4’  
Flûte octaviante 4'Basson-Hautbois 8’ 
Plein-Jeu harmonique  
Trompette 8’  

Accouplement II/I, en 16', 8', 4' Tirasses I/P et II/P
Appel Machine Barcker
Appel d'anches grand-orgue (Trompette 8 et Cymbale 3 rgs)
Appel d'anches récit I, II, P