Saint-Étienne College - Strasbourg

Moving the Curt Schwenkedel organ in the Chapel of the Collège Saint-Étienne in Strasbourg with a large rehabilitation.

It is remarkable to see how well this instrument, originally built for the large hall of the former Conservatoire de Strasbourg, fits into the contemporary architecture of this chapel.

The relocation work required the construction of a metal structure to match the layout of the Conservatoire de Strasbourg.

The voicing works were carried out jointly by Jean-Marie Tricoteaux and Quentin Blumenroeder.

47 jeux, III claviers, pédale

I. Positif 
56 notes - C-g'''
II. Grand Orgue
56 notes - C-g'''
III Brustwerk expressif
56 notes - C-g'''
32 notes - C-g'
1. Bourdon 8'1. Bourdon 16'1. Quintaton 16'1. Principal 16'
2. Prestant 4'2. Montre 8'2. Flûte conique 8'2. Soubasse 16'
3. Flûte à cheminée 4'3. Bourdon 8'3. Unda maris 8'3. Flûte 8'
4. Doublette 2'4. Prestant 4'4. Principal 4'4. Principal 4'
5. Larigot 1' 1/35. Flûte à fuseaux 4'5. Nazard 2' 2 /35. Nachthorn 2'
6. Cymbale 3 rgs6. Doublette 2'6. Principal 2'6. Mixture 4-5 rgs
7. Sesquialtera 2rgs7. Quarte 2'7. Tierce 1' 3/57. Posaune 16'
8. Cromorne 8'8. Grosse Tierce 3 1/58. Sifflet 1'8. Trompette 8'
Tremblant9. Sesquialtera 2 rgs9. Mixture 4 rgs9. Chalumeau 4'
 10. Petite Fourniture 2 rgs10. Trompette 8'10.Clairon 4'
 11. Mixture 4-6 rgs11. Ranquette 16' 
 12. Cymbale tierceTremblant 
 13. Trompette 8' en chamade  
 14. Clairon 4' en chamade  

Accouplements par dominos
Pos./ G.O.
Réc. / G.O.
Réc. / Pos
G.O./ Pos. /Rec.
3 combinaisons ajustables
Annulateurs Anches G.O. Pédale et Mixtures