Saint-Amant-de-Boixe Abbey

Construction of a Renaissance organ for Saint-Amant-de-Boixe Abbey

The organ was delivered and installed the week before Christmas 2011.

The doors were painted by the talented Jean-Marie Cousset.

The magnificent sculptures are by Marc Frohn.

Built after the primitive Alkmaar organ (1511), this 10-stop organ will allow you to discover the European music of the 16th century. It is tuned in mesotonic temperament.

We invite you to follow the remarkable work being done by the Dom Rémi Carré association to showcase this instrument.

Dom Rémi Carré

Un clavier (47 notes + 8 doubles feintes) octave courte C D E F G A à c'''.
Double feintes : F#, G#, d#, ab, d#', ab', d#''.
Pédale 26 notes C,D,E,F,G-e' sans eb.

Clavier  (47 notes)                      Pédale                   
Principal 8'Principal 8'    emprunt
Cornet IIII chape libreTrompette 8'     emprunt
Bourdon 8Tirasse Mobile
Octave 4'Tremblant doux
Flûte ouverte 4'        Rossignol
Flageolet 2 ‘ chape libre 
Nazard 3' 
Tiercelette 1 3/5 chape libre 
Mixtur 2' extractible IV-VII rgs 
Trompette BD