Gries - Protestant church

Rehabilitation of the 1781 Jean-André Silbermann organ in the Protestant church at Gries (67)

This organ is the last of the Silbermanns to be built in Alsace. Jean-André Silbermann was too ill to attend the inauguration. Here again, the organ builder showed his inventiveness, creating a small instrument that was very user friendly for accompaniment, while keeping costs to a minimum.

13 jeux, I clavier, Pédale

(49 notes C à c’’’)
(27 notes C à d’)
Bourdon 8' 
Prestant 4'Soubbass 16'
Floete 4’Octavbasse 8'
Nasard 2'2/3Prestant 4'
Doublette 2' 
Tierce 1'3/5 
Sifflet 1'(B+D) 
Cornet 4 rgs (D) 
Fourniture 3 rgs 
Cymbale 2 rgs 
Tremblant doux
Tremblant fort