Conservatoire - Geneva (Organ room)

Restoration of one of the two organs at the Geneva Conservatory (Switzerland)

The work consisted essentially in overhauling and re-voicing the organ.

You can see the other organ on this page.

26 stops III manuals, pedal

I Grand OrgueII PositifIII Récit répressifPédale
Bourdon 16'Bourdon 8' Bourdon 8' Soubasse 16'
Montre 8'Flûte 4' Salicional 8'Flûte 8'
Flûte à cheminée 8'     Nasard ' 2/3 Voix céleste 8'Principal 4’ 
Prestant 4'Principal 2' Principal 4'Mixture III
Doublette 2'Tierce 1' 3/5 Flûte 2'Basson 16’ 
Fourniture IVLarigot 1' 1/3   Cymbale III 
Cromorne 8'  Trompette 8' 
Tremblant  Hautbois 8'