Church of Saint-Pierre - Eschentzwiller

Restoration/reconstruction of the 1738-1743 Silbermann Organ in the church of Saint-Pierre et Paul in Eschentzwiller

Rather than talking about a restoration of the Silbermann organ of Eschentzwiller, it would be more appropriate to talk about a reconstruction, due to the large number of new parts.

However, this in no way diminishes the historical importance of this instrument or the discoveries that this restoration-reconstruction will have made possible. Even more so as the old parts are spread throughout the instrument and remain in large numbers, especially the metal pipes.
Even though none of the elements has been spared by successive interventions, the traces and particularities of the parts that have been preserved have made it possible to rediscover the proportions, the layout, the wind flow, and so on.

The three new cuneiform bellows were made by Jean-Marc Walter.

To put the puzzle together, we had to visit a large number of Silbermann instruments of the same type, i.e. with a 4' case.

18 jeux, III claviers, pédale

I Positif de dos
49 notes, C-c’’’
II Grand Orgue
49 notes C-c’’’
III Echo
25 notes c’-c’’’
25 notes C-c’
Bourdon 8'Bourdon 8'Bourdon 8’Octavenbass 8’
Flûte 4’Prestant 4'Prestant 4’Trompette 8’
Quinte 2 2/3Flûte 4’Cornet 3rgs 
Doublette 2Nazard 2 2/3  
Tierce 1 3/5Doublette 2'  
Trompette de récit 8’ c’-c’’’Tierce 1 3/5  
 Fourniture III rgs  
 Cromhorne 8 B+D entre h et c'  

Accouplement I/II II/P
Tremblant doux, Tremblant fort