

Organ case - Correspondance

The instrument has a 51-notes keyboard (C-d '''), transposable into 392 / 415 / 440 / 466 by lateral displacement of the keyboard.
Stoplist :
Bourdon   8’ wood
Flûte principalisante  4’  wood
Principal   8’ tin

The musical conception of this instrument is based on continuo experience, as well as concert playing  The balance of tessitura is designed to allow all types of realisation, including towards the treble, with a smooth and regular ascent.


Chest organ for rent Strasbourg region

Please contact us if you are interested in renting this chest organ with a 54-notes keyboard (C-f '''). Transposition to the four pitches 392/415/440/466 through lateral shift.

Bourdon 8' (wood)
Principal flute4' open (wood)

Chest organ near Buxy in Burgundy for hire

Composed of a 51-notes keyboard (C-d '''), transposition to the four pitches 392 / 415 / 440 / 466 through lateral sliding of the keyboard 

Stoplist :

Bourdon 8' (wood)
Flûte principalisante4' open (wood)
Principal8' top (f to f''') (metal)

This instrument is available for hiring, Please contact us for more information.

The total weight is 90 kg.
For transport, the instrument comes with a trolley on wheels and a protective cover.


Royan chest organ for rent

Composed of a 51-notes keyboard (C-d '''), transposable to the four pitches 392 / 415 / 440 / 466 by lateral sliding of the keyboard

Bourdon 8' wood
Principal flute4' open in wood
Regal8' metal top (f to f''')

The tuning of open pipes is effected by slides, which allows great amplitude without changing the timbre.

This was one of the first instruments we made.

It weighs 85 kg and measures 1.45 m wide, 0.60 m deep and 0.90 m high.

If you are interested in renting this organ, please contact us or contact the Ensemble Vocal ARCANTE – phone :


Emile Jobin chest organ to hire in Paris

The instrument has a 51-notes keyboard (C-d '''), transposable to 392 / 415 / 440 / 466 by moving the keyboard sideways.

Stoplist :

Principal8’ tin
Principal flute4’ wood
Quinte top2’ 2/3 tin
Doublet bass2’ tin
Regal 8' bass and top8’ tin

All the stops are split into Basses and Dessus. Part of the stoplistn is also configurable.

The Principal 8' and Flute 4' stops are "fixed", while the 3rd stop can be configured as required: Quinte bass + 2' or 2' treble over the whole range, or 2' bass + regal treble, etc...

For hiring, please contact :

M. Emile Jobin
26, rue de la République
95650 Boissy L'Aillerie
Tél : 01 34 42 13 03


Organ chest for rent in Switzerland

The owner offers this organ for hire, more details on the website: www.lagoulue.net 

Stoplist :
Bourdon 8' (wood)
Principal flute (wood).

51-notes keyboard (C-d '''),
transposition to the four pitches 392/415/440/466 through lateral shift.